Runescape could be saved by adjusting to other MMOs

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Trouble is, we are all OSRS GP and thinkers, we are conditioned to adapt the environment that surrounds us to our needs. We need to be able to communicate with others in the event that our environment affects us. Being a sheep is about adapting to the situation and passively accepting what others say. You get slaughtered.

Focus and flexibility are two indicators of intelligence. Jagex does not have either. Jagex is adamant in its approach to ramming with updates. Its primary focus is money and not on the people. Jagex's methods of communication are at the root of the problem. The Runescape forums lie at the heart of the problem. Jagex and other players can communicate and assist Runescape to get back to its feet.

Jagex might believe that Runescape could be saved by adjusting to other MMOs. Another twist on the idea of adapt or die. The reality is that Jmods have a limited choice regarding whom and who they can talk to. It's just a matter the time. They can only talk to a handful of people per day. A majority of Jmods only have a limited number of players that they are able to communicate with. These relationships be forged over time and be "Yes!" groups to whatever Jmod has to say. With Fmods (some disguised Jmods) dispersing any dissent on forums.

The system has to be changed, Jagex has to adapt its forums. The first step is to eliminate the Fmod program entirely, create Fmods a paid job with Jagex, with professional standards. No more Fmods calling players "you are a lot" and the like. Some Fmods are seriously destroying forums.

The second is to update rs2007 gold forums to give players more options, more voices. Let players ignore others and have other tools and build networks in the forums. Give the RS forums the flexibility of Facebook which is a simple way of grouping. Jagex's secret forums are not to be believed. They have made the forums inflexible and created a distorted community.