Imagine starting with a particular faction of your

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LocalDefense channel is used to announce attacks by WOW TBC Gold enemies at outposts or towns, and to facilitate communication between players. Your group can get the resources gained from winning battlegrounds for the fight. New battlegrounds are created to match with each neutral zone (alterac valley = winterspring warsong = barrens, and so on) You can also queue up for the battlegrounds or zones that require assistance. The war effort you put into it will allow you to upgrade your equipment at any level you can gain rank in your faction, and get access to mounts/tabards as with other gear. Make use of your skills to make weapons and equipment needed during the conflict.

There's surely more that can be added to this fundamental idea, as well as several other aspects in vanilla which made for an excellent base, but I've not seen any follow-up.

The design is not perfect, and there are flaws I am aware of. For example, the differences in max level characters and the imbalance in factions. But just thinking of this is a reminder of how much potential WoW was able to fulfill, even though it was already an excellent game.

This is something I've never heard of , and I would like to learn more. I don't know what it is, considering the games it was based off. But I do know plenty about beta development, which I've never read. any idea where I could find out more information about this? Ty, Cheers

Imagine starting with a particular faction of your race's faction. Following that, based upon what you did, and what quests you completed, you'd be able to gain or lower factions in other races. Humans are able to become friends with undead creatures and complete undead-related quests.

It was an excellent idea. There is nothing better than playing in real life and getting to meet random, friendly and hostile players. It's bizarre that an mmo would work so hard to help small organised groups that exist beyond the realm of reality.

This leaves WoD at 2. WoD is now 2. And did you bring these savages watch you ....DIE? That was a movie that cheap WOW Classic TBC Gold they put their heart and soul into. It's just a shame that the real expac didn't get the same amount of effort. It was pure epicosity

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