Skilling Outfits - sets of clothing that boost the X

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Skilling Outfits - sets of clothing that boost the XP gain of OSRS gold all players up to 6 percent. They can be obtained through gameplay: Firemaking and Thieving. You can get RWT from crafting, Smithing Herblore Divination, Prayer summoning cooking

Bonus xp is an important part of the SOF. However, there's a difference between bonusXP that is straight and permanent outfits that boost your skill. Half of all skilling outfits are easily obtained through minigames. The outfits are available on the SOF, which detracts the achievement of getting an outfit that is skill-based.

Slayer Masks Slayer Masks.

Wicked Pouch. For years players have longed for a rune-holding item. Now it is only available through Solomon's Store. You can swap between spellbooks or buy RS gold prayer books at any time with this item.