The trade was canceled and i was traded again

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The best option for everyone is to OSRS gold continue talking, and maybe jagex can find another method to put their ideas out and out there without spending thousands.

I was the victim of an item swap...i was a very low level, still 50cmb. I wanted to train firemaking and was purchasing large quantities of yews directly from other players who had gp I earned from selling them to other players and fishing lobsters.

I was around 20k yew logs close to purchasing them. He showed the logs for sale, and I put the money up.

The trade was canceled and i was traded again and he replied something along the lines of 'sorry about that' and then immediately put 20k willow logs in cheap RuneScape Mobile gold to trade. I made a large profit on a pile of garbage logs, without even double-checking. The logs I used to train firemaking were still available however at much slower rates. It was a devastating loss for the F2P scaper, who was fairly new.