Zamorak Drains 60% of the bar's contents when it is used

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Armadyl - Has two attacks per bar (50 percent drain) It also could hit hard. Increase 25% of the most powerful hit. This is an attack that can be random, so you don't have to anticipate 60s every time. Bandos 1 attack per bar (100 percent drain) It has the potential to OSRS gold hit hard and lower the opponent's defense level by the amount it hits. It is the best choice when hunting trips are planned. If you manage to score 50 on a GWD boss, and it's already dead.

Saradomin - Has two attack per bar (50% drain). It's clear the way it works. I'll demonstrate how to play it. It's a waste space.

Zamorak Drains 60% of the bar's contents when it is used. There's nothing can be done that the Ice Barrage spell can't do, and similar to it, it sometimes freezes you for half the time, and sometimes for about one second. It was once the most expensive and useless hilt. But, people began to range Zilyana (Saradomin’s general-purpose upwards of buy RuneScape Mobile gold the GWD) and discovered it much more comfortable that ancient magicks.