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Construct the very best cost index chart system. Online Newport Cigarettes Cartons Centering about the business goals Wholesale Marlboro Cigarettes and overall performance plan associated with China Cigarettes, focusing about the core index chart of "contribution price of complete assets", presenting "Comprehensive assessment index associated with Economic Additional Value (EVA)", the suitable cost index chart system is actually comprehensively made of four measurements of income increase, price control, cost control as well as strengthening property. Standard price method can be used for price accounting as well as management, split into organizations, factories, based on the category, cost, specifications to construct a regular cost administration system.

Build the very best cost evaluation system. Develop a cost administration data info platform connected by items, horizontally cover the entire value cycle of manufacturing and procedure and all portions of cost administration, vertically recognize multi-level Online Cigarettes price data selection and demonstration from business to device, and discover effective methods to improve the actual efficiency associated with value-added procedures.

Build the very best quality cost program. Combined using the construction associated with special manufacturing line, centering about the requirement associated with "worry free of charge quality", the suitable control assessment standard associated with cigarette item quality price was designed, and the actual establishment associated with quality price control setting of big product legislation and unique product legislation was marketed.