You've got enough cash to purchase something you've been saving up for since the day

You've got enough cash to purchase something you've been saving up for since the day

You've got enough cash to purchase something you've been OSRS Gold saving up for since the day it was released... The BGS... With your 87 strength You are now able to go all through the world killing people. You can make an deal. The offer is 23532,300gp. It immediately buys. It will appear like a note after you click to take it out. You then spot someone on the same level as you, who just got a kill If you can use your BGS quickly enough, you can ko him and get his legs... Then you decide to bank and then de-bank your brand new BGS... You head to fight him... Too late, and the ten second timer are up...

This could be one of the scenarios you might find yourself in. It's frustrating buying one thing and then take it out from the G.E. It comes out as a small note. It's a bit annoying for me. A lot of you will be thinking, "Well, just bank that it's not a huge deal, but don't become such an idiot!" Sure... It is possible to do that. are able to do this. However, if you are buying a single item (I.E. one weapon) Why do you need to deposit it in a bank, simply because it comes out as an account?

The Suggestion: If there is enough storage space (Say that there are seven slots available within your inventory), then a dvd should be released as an item. If you've got enough inventory space, then it should be released as an item. If you don't, it's best to release it as an note. Of course, if you buy 200 lobsters, it'll be issued as an account (duh), but when you only require four and you have four inventory slots, is there any reason to bank it again?

Really the solution to this, rather annoying issue IMO, is very simple. It's not a major overhaul or anything, just a simple solution, to Buy RS Gold the smallest annoying thing... This is the year to focus on solving the small things, let's start with this... Are you looking for answers? Comments? Comments? Do you just need to convince me that I am an idiot? Constructive Criticism is always welcomed!