I'm only off heal during those rare moments

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I'm only off heal during those rare moments when the healer is either incapacitated (and the tank's health is dropping very low for example) or WOW Classic TBC Gold oom and the innervate cooldown is in effect. .... I'll switch off the tank if needed or when the tank goes down for any reason and bres is on cooldown.

You're bound to be grouped with some pretty amazing dps due to the fact that on average I've seen a lot of other classes pulling 700-1.2k in total. Since we're a hybrid class I'm thinking that the average I'm pulling doesn't look bad given my other contributions to the table. I also offer 5% more critique to all the other students.

My point is that you have more power in your group's comp and have the capability to purchase the items you desire through tanking. Even if your raid dps isn't great. My primary role is lock and yes, I can hit 1500 DPS. My other ret pally is with around 800+ dps on garbage and 1k+ on bosses. I obtained all the gear I needed for ret on buy WOW TBC Classic Gold my pally through tanking and healing whenever needed. I then was able to get the gear for dps when I ran alongside other classes who could match me or just excluding them from competition.