Even Madden 08 where according to your performance

Even Madden 08 where according to your performance

I only bought Madden 21 last week, I mostly play 2k but I always get the itch to Mut 21 coins play with Madden throughout the NFL season.

(Face of the Franchise) I enjoy the way they intergrated your property player in your franchise player it makes you feel as though you've got a single player in the world of Madden. Who were they making this story for? Do they think people who like soap operas play Madden it is something my girlfriend might put into who knows NOTHING about football, but anyone who watches the game...I do not even have to explain the absurd premise. What is so hard about letting u play Highschool and college and based on your own operation it dictates where you go to college and get drafted? Like I do I must shed my starting QB job to somebody who has heart cancer and we go to the identical college like WTF?

(Gameplay and germs ) So I just started my own Franchise.... Right away today you can not play online Franchise unless you have playstation and....ok:/....so I did an offline Franchise I played QB for the Giants. It has pretty much exactly the exact same encounter as Madden20, I really do like the new demonstration but Madden has the ESPN license so they can still do alot better. The gameplay feels better is simpler and they actually call roughing the passer and late struck penalties. You are able to pass from sacks this season which is nice and offensive lineman get injured. The dropped passes this year tho is BRUTAL you don't have any idea when it is gonna become a fall or a catch I've hit open receivers on drags and only bounces of their hands. My QB is a scrambler however half of the time that I run read alternative I fumble WHY? If I don't slide there is a very good chance we will eliminate ownership and it's been like this for years! I had like a pleasant 25 yard run and got hit in the side (the other side I'm holding the ball) and it popped out.Does your X variable boost work or can it be only in the game to look like it's thickness? I have drifting deadeye"perfect accuracy when standing outside the pocket" nope def do not have perfect accuracy beyond the pocket. I turned Madden another day to continue my Franchise but the rescue files are sterile so I depart and re-enter the mode but the dates and times are wrong so that I clicked it and it did not save anything I played 4 game I saw the auto save in the corner but I figure nothing stored. . .WTF

(Stats and precision ) I made another QB about the Panthers and I'm about 7 games in and im manually saving after every game. As far as stats go it is still bad that's a BIG deal for me cause I like realism. As with other Maddens QBs have been having career years in efficiency Phillip River has thrown 1 int thru 7 games, Sam Darnold has 2 the leader in ints is actually Aaron Rodgers lol. I have Christian Mccaffrey on my group so I attempt to get him the ball alot...I play All-Pro and also 89 carries Mccaffrey has 252 yards that's 2.8 yards a carry. I went to test to see were other running backs were and Mccaffrey has the lowest yard/attempt than any starting RB in the NFL he's a 99! . Like I said before the drops are crazy and I think it's funny they took the drops of the season stats because I really think Robby Anderson would have only as much drops as catches. I assessed mid match (it shows drops throughout the game) and Robby Anderson has 5 DROPS, also Delanie Walker had two so thats 7 drops in 1 half I had 9 incomplete passes. Also WHY can not you equip little pads on the Yard but not in Franchise, as a QB it's normal to have smaller pads and In real life you can always tell who the QB is but in Madden I am wearing the same pads that the LB would even once I set the hight and width to 0 they're still to big.

I just want superstar mode back!!! If they made madden 05 but with ps4 graphics it's be undoubtedly the greatest Madden ever. Even Madden 08 where according to your performance in the combine it determines your general and you can do the buy mut coins madden 21 iq test and also have an agent. It's just disappointing.