The aggressive style increases points in Hitpoints

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Creating Pure characters can be cheap OSRS GP difficult as you must avoid gaining levels on certain skills at all costs. This means that you must always check which method of combat you are using. For example, by using Accurate fighting style you can gain training in Attack as well as Hitpoints.

The aggressive style increases points in Hitpoints and Strength as well as Defensive in Defence and Hitpoints. The controlled style puts points on all of the above at the same time. As you can see, choosing the wrong method of fighting could result in a decrease in capability and, as a result it can ruin the Pure aspect of the account.

Another risk to the purity of your account lies in the quest rewards. For those who are looking to become pure will need to be attentive to what they receive at the end of NPC missions. Quests tend to give high levels of experience for some aspects, so they're quite useful in terms of leveling, however they also might be a doom for a Pure player. People who choose to upgrade only certain skills should pay particular attention to what rewards could receive at the end of the mission.

One Defence accounts are the most popular of all Pure characters. They are designed to be killing machines in Player against. Player combat. Since the skill of defence isn't much of a factor in PvP like it is in PvE, players usually avoid leveling it, leaving it at the very first level. In doing this, they will attain a low Combat level while maintaining the high damage output. People who wish to fight them generally won't get to receive a lot of hits from the weaker opponent.

Although the process of creating One Defence Pure is very time consuming and sometimes might be frustrating, it results in a win in PvP. Many players who choose this route will use their Pures only for player killing and not for everyday gameplay, since having only one Defence and the low levels of Prayer, exclude their ability to do very high-level PvM.

Don't get confused with this runescape gold 2007 one as it's an exact opposite to One Defence Pure. It is also an account that has low Combat Stat, but in this instance, the player opts to boost Defence Skill but at the expense of other aspects. Defense pures were extremely popular during the past, when they employed Dragonfire Shield's exclusive attack, along with the venom damage stacks that came in Serpentine Helm to cause the damage. Users were very safe as they had very high Defence as well as Hitpoint levels. As this method is no longer practical and is no longer a viable option, Defence Pures aren't the same as they were.