How to use Runeword in Diablo 2 Resurrected

Runeword is beneficial to the upgrade of items, provided that these items need a specific number of slots.

Players collect Runewords and insert them into items with holes in certain combinations to upgrade the items and become the best hero ever in Sanctuary. So which Runeword is the best combination?


Beginner Guide For Runewords


When you see a rune, MMOSO recommends that you don't use it alone, you can buy D2 Resurrected Runes  from MMOSO. Collect it first, and regularly check what they can be combined into. Runeword is beneficial to the upgrade of items, provided that these items need a specific number of slots.


Runeword is consistent with your character level, so if you apply a rune to an item that is far below your standard, Runeword will update this item and make it something your character will find useful.



MMOSO compiled the best Runeword in Diablo 2 Resurrected:


Runewords for different weapons:

WordRuneRequired level
Steel (Axe, Mace, Sword)Tir El13
Spirit (Sword or shield)Tal Thul Ort Amn25
Strength (Various weapons)Amn Tir25
Honor (Various weapons)Amn El Ith Tir Sol27
Insight (Polearm, Staff)Ral Tir Tal Sol27
Leaf (Staff)Tir Ral19 (Sorceress Only)
Zephyr (Bow, Crossbow)Ort Eth21



Runewords only work on shields:

WordRuneRequired level
Ancient’s PledgeRal Ort Tal21
RhymeShael Eth29



Runeword only works on helms:

WordRuneRequired level
LoreOrt Sol27



Runewords only work on socketed chest armor items:

WordRuneRequired level
StealthTal Eth17
MythHel Amn Nef25 (Barbarian only)
PeaceShael Thu Amn29 (Amaxon only)


Runeword is one of the greatest pleasures for players in Diablo 2 Resurrected, and it is also very challenging. If you want to get the best Diablo 2 Resurrected Runes, in addition to collecting runes, you can also download from Buy directly, but we recommend that you choose to buy in an emergency.