However, as leaf states it's a waste of time to spend

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Presently, I'm not sure if is worth it to use Juju Farming potions . While they're very useful however they require a lengthy time in gathering buy runescape gold ingredients for. However, they do make Torstol seeds a viable option to earn money, and offer on average more money than Snapdragon even on other patches that the Trollheim patch.

Herb runs make an average profit of 2-4m per hour, but with the downside that you're able to do 6 minutes of it each two hours, or so. It's a great opportunity to unwind from what you're working on for example, to test your skills, or kick off or finish your session of RS. If you value time at over 4 mins per hour, do not farm Herbs.

The intention behind The purpose of the Herb course is travel in the fastest possible time to every Herb patches at your disposal, pick herbs to offer for sale and then plant the seeds to reap later. With the highest quality equipment and using all five patches, it is possible to finish the run in less than 6 minutes when the timer starts as soon as you teleport to Trollheim and finishing after the herbs are harvested and planted, and all equipment kept in storage.

It is possible to replace the Ardougne Cloak 4 is able to be replaced by either Ardougne Cloak 2 or 3 However, these Cloaks are able to only be used with the Farm patch once per day. You can also use Teleport in North Ardougne (must unlock at Livid Farm) but that is a long way away from the patch for farming.

Teleport to Catherby can be replaced by the Teleport to Camelot or an Camelot tab. Trollheim Patch is not diseased. Trollheim Patch cannot be diseased/die. Magic Secateurs are optional but boost Herb yield. Presently, I'm not sure whether it is worth using Juju Farming potions . Although they're helpful but they take a long time to gather ingredients to make. They do allow Torstol seeds an option for making money, as they offer on average , more profit than Snapdragon even on patches that are different than those on the Trollheim patch.

There's one thing worth mentioning this time around, which covers several options, however I'm pretty much in agreement. For juju farm potions, they're a fantastic addition to any herb run. They give you a 1 in 3 chance to pick up 2 herbs at each time. I'm not able to do a run with less than 50 plants from five patches, unless they die. My most successful run was over 70.

However, as leaf states it's a waste of time to spend time in the Herblore Habitat just to make the potion, but I do it every week to gain the quick bonus of discovering all the jadinkos from 10/13 and any seeds that I discover that are planted and utilized.

They only last just a few minutes, so the most efficient route I've found to get all patches with 1 dose of potion, is to get at the Trollheim patch, consume a dose of juju farming pot, then repeat the step. Ectophial port into Port Phasmatys & run to patch, REPEAT STEP, cabbage port (explorer ring) to Falador patch REPEAT STEP Cloak Teleport to Ardougne Farm to REPEAT STEP, Camelot tab, Run until Catherby patch, REPEAT STEP. This buy osrs infernal cape doesn't leave much time to look around the landscape, so don't fill up buckets, talking etc till after you've collected Catherby.