The only changes you can effectively make are Skillcape

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Otherwise, your setup is great for OSRS GP slaying. The only changes you can effectively make are Skillcape and Soul Wars Cape, and an Chaotic Rapier. In addition, if planning to purchase Fury / Bandos I'd recommend you purchase the Fury first because it is the most affordable, and also has more bonuses over bandos tassets. Best of luck.

Personally, i ignore individuals or even my friends who demand money.. If people show up and want to know how to summon/slay or anything else, and i take them to places that are needed and then teach them, they are thankfull which implies that they're actually novices.

Then I gift them some small gifts.. Like in the range of 100k to 500k.. I don't ever, ever expect to see them become rich and be able to pay me... Its just my way to show my appreciation to the community, cuz bk when I got my mems, i had 2m of cash and went to this guy in autumnal for advice on how the summoning of creatures.. He told me how, became my current best frend on rs and gave me full rune, plus money...

I've never asked for money in my life for Rs, and i have received over 10mil gp in "gifts" from strangers who helped me with their friendships than with cash.. Be aware that I've only been mem for around 5-6 months..

2 days ago my richest acquaintance on Rs (22 BIL bank) (also my dg partner) gave me 6mil to help me so I could purchase Ags (had 33mil, and the 6m he gave was enough to buy Ags for 38m, and have 1m left for praying pots) and told me to pay it bk anytime. Alrdy earned an additional 1m sincethen, and will be capable of paying him back bk at the end of the week.

Basicly, 1m isn't much over old school rs gold a hr of work.. I make about 800k-1m in just 5 minutes per day with dailies. Most beggers get nothing.. But the occasional lucky ones receive a few.. But they're rare.