If you're in need of a hatchet for setting the trap

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If you're in need of a hatchet for setting the trap, for example, for potential traps. You can also use it as a tinderbox so that you can cook the meat as you wait for the traps to be snatched. Do you really go out pitfall hunting for any reason at all? The cooking of the meat is not worth the time it's better to alch or whatever if you're having to OSRS GP be patient.

The cooking of the meat can be slightly useful since you'll be sitting around cooking while waiting for traps. You have the option to chop as well. It's a matter of personal preference which option you'd choose If you do decide to cook, you'll need the Dwarven Army Axe can come in handy.

I don't see what arguments you're trying for in your argument on pitfall hunting. You have a range of alternatives when it comes down to the training of a Hunter as well as pitfall hunting is one of the choices. It's naive to believe that no one all uses pitfall hunting.

I'm just going to provide an instance where the Dwarven Army Axe could be used. Do you have a sort of animus against its use as a Hunter? I agree that there alternative training methods that could be more effective, but the Dwarven Army Axe could be a great help.

I brought the axe along with me to chop some trees, and runescape 2007 gold then I used it to create tele tabs and get myself some unusual rocks. It's great for whatever folks decide to use it to do. Runescape is a game, its supposed to be fun, who are you to judge wether the way people spend their time is wasted?