Hold on they reposted it on the official Nba2k twitter page but without the black cap.

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Outside of those, anything in the future and I am convinced that is too late for NBA 2K Coins you to still be interested in purchasing the game. I can practically guarantee it will be available in christmas, but sometimes it's not a massive discount either, I'd say possibly 30-40% off at most, but return at 2k19's and 2k20's sales history and find out just how much they travelled for at christmas 2018 and 2019 to find a notion. Did anNBA 2K21 on Twitter: NBA2K21 box art confirmed

Okay so hold on so not ALL instances will probably be gloomy, some will be black? I wouldn't be too upset if they did I liked the blue. I guess it is not out of the realm of possibility that they changed it. It was basically the one universal criticism. Edit: They deleted this post. Wonder if Sony was like"hey guys we've got a grim case" Yeah, after Xbox removed that awful"Optimized for XSX" badge I wouldnt be surprised if they changed the situation also. They listen to opinions On Watch Dogs Legion and Ac Valhalla there is nevertheless is(optimized for XSX) the blue only looked like a worse appearing ps4 situation in my opinion.

Hold on they reposted it on the official Nba2k twitter page but without the black cap. I doubt its representative of this color box the match will actually ship in. Man, and I'd gotten accustomed to the blue case. I truly hope this is a one time thing and we maintain the blue, since I like how it looks Maybe they were only using all of the left over stock of boxes and once they're all used then maybe they will begin and continue producing black ones.

The embodiment of predatory microtransactions. I'mma await news and gameplay tho, this might easily be disappointing. No blue situation it sounds. Are they moving ahead with this layout or is it possibly only the developer's choice here? Partially because I prefer the blue, partly because I dont enjoy inconsistency on my shelf.

Maybe their choice I truly dig the black case tho. PS4 also had red cases so that I guess it is up to the devs. It'd actually be very cool if they gave the developers the option of Cheap NBA 2K21 MT Coins what color the situation will be. Yo the black case looks good. The blog post did say to leave feedback on it. Yeah that is about 50 pounds too light for Zion.