I would definitely recommend doing one of the quests called Fremminik

I would definitely recommend doing one of the quests called Fremminik

I would definitely recommend doing one of the quests called Fremminik. They're a lot of fun and also come with an Neitiznot Helmet that is likely to OSRS Gold be one of the most effective helmets available in the game. Additionally, since you have a budget of 1mil I'd suggest doing Barbarian Assault so you can acquire an item called the Fighter Torso. It's not expensive but it does give great Strength bonuses , and it looks decent.

As for your weapon, I would definitely go for an axe and/or a Dragon Scimitar. Monkey Madness is needed for the Dragon Scimmy and it does take time but it's surely worth it to improve your the strength. Whip on the other hand can be a great weapon for attack and defence.

Dragon Defender is good (once you finally get it). Also , for a great pair of gloves, I suggest doing RFD and getting Dragon/Barrows gloves. In fact, Mithril gloves are very good. To get them , you'll have to make a recipe for Disaster, and I definitely recommend you do that at the top of your ability...

I am constantly asking the same question. I think slayer isn't where near as good as it was (just observed what happened to the whips). Camp at abby demons to get 75-125+ kills only for the 900k-1.5mil drop?? Then for a drop of 3 mil would be a bit different.

Slayer is a fun way to improve your melee skills, so if you plan on taking up training, consider it. It's an excellent way to break the monotony of training on a single monster. There is no way to tell if someone doesn't have 85 Slayer, Abby whips are about 1 in 540, not 125 kills camping. The primary profit in Slayer isn't from the big drops, its all the small ones which add up over time . They also provide clues to follow if you take them , and Buy RuneScape 2007 Gold especially if you're running intelligent herb runners between tasks.