I am like half and half

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Probably especially true for people that have to Madden 21 coins announce their goals really loudly. Like the men and women who dramatically declare they are leaving a forum. I'm skipping it (ironic, I know) but that I know that the game is still going to perform really well. Same with the latest versions of 2K. I am like half and half. When a get a craving to play Madden I shall just spend $5 or $15 dollars to EA Play and after a month I'll be carried out. I wonder if there are people like me and in which they fall to those sales figures. Folks like you (and me) are that they made EA Play for, the kind that will purchase a sports game to get in their collection but not be fanatical about it. EA decided they'd rather we provide them the money directly rather than spend it buying a used game which they receive no money from.

But as far as when we factor in, we do not. If we are willing to wait for 6-months to play with the new Madden after the actual season is over we are not the consumer they're after. I stated I would boycott, and that I did. TBF tho I own 20 and am more than happy upgrading to custom rosters. However, the web said do not purchase it. Yet for 15 decades of no competition and mediocre incremental advancements, the game still sells, and they make even more off MUT now than they do off of merely selling the sport. A lot of the mmoexp legit crowd are people who play sports games such as it and NBA2k religiously. They buy like clockwork every year only because they obsess over them. Just because people do not play with the titles r/games loves does not mean they're lesser.