NBA 2K21 patch notes are here

Players who invested additional money for your Mamba Forever Edition still do no need their pre paid digital bonuses delivered. The same goes for VC which was bought, and it appears that this matter is due to server traffic.

The info on the way is likely to cover current-generation consoles just (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia and PC), so that there still figures to NBA 2K MT be a complete rollout of features for next-generation consoles (PlayStation 5 and Xbox collection X) closer to the release date for all those systems.The full breakdown of this information will be added when it is available.

NBA 2K21 patch notes are here, and also the huge 26GB upgrade address several bugs and glitches.Which bugs and glitches aren't detailed currently. The patch notes only detail generic information like stability and user experience improvement.

NBA 2K21 started with a high number of bugs, like the return of the infamous aisle glitch. My Players sometimes do not appear, and there are many different animation glitches during games. The most egregious bug was for pre-order content and VC not appearing in the game.

Players who invested additional money for your Mamba Forever Edition still do no need their pre paid digital bonuses delivered. The same goes for VC which was bought, and it appears that this matter is due to server traffic.

Since the patch notes aren't detailed, it's tough to Buy NBA 2K MT Coins know that bugs have been fixed. You can still play in single-player manners with no upgrade, but without the limitation, your rosters will not upgrade and you won't be able to play with online.Future updates include hotfixes for shooting, which most players have found too difficult or unintuitive. We can expect another update coming shortly with more tangible fixes.