When RS3 Runescape Players Try to Pretend

"Likely". There is definitely legit RuneScape Gold players at OSRS.


"Likely". There is definitely legit RuneScape Gold  players at OSRS. It is always very intriguing when RS3 RuneScape players try to pretend that there's a possibility of OSRS becoming popular. Even just gives the answer to you. You are correct, I probably shouldn't have used"likely", because it's almost certainly true that OSRS has mroe RuneScape players compared to RS3, even though there is technically no way to know for sure.

All I am saying is that the distinction isn't as great as the playcount amounts would make it seem, since it's also"likely" true there are much more robots on OSRS compared to RS3. And Twitch/YT numbers are representative of actual RuneScape players.Bear in mind that"they" that produced RuneScape and"they" that implemented the grand exchange are two distinct groups of individuals. The ideal XP prices come from buying logs, but you can train another skill (WCing) at high-ish efficiency (before crystallize anyways) and then get fair rates at FMing, or do all kinds of hybrid strategies (such as curly roots). A firemaking-related pursuit gives both an daily and fantastic DIY level method.

As an ironman myself, I found that this happened to some degree with all the smithing and mining rework. If you're training both together you would not have ores to match your smithing exp you're becoming. The same goes for archeology - you get a few of the substances for the artifacts you're currently getting but maybe not them all. Also, hopefully they balanced it in order with the outfit, promotes and perks (or some other maximum efficiency methods) that you would be in a position to be self sustaining for materials.

The ability is still high XP rate almost no matter what you do, other than bonfiring low level logs. In size, the ability you use as a gathering ability is... ~8k xp/hour Archaeology caches. And there is no way to avoid those other than obtaining materials from other RS Mobile gold  players.