I think I will be quitting Madden for great this year

I think I will be quitting Madden for great this year

That is the problem imo. As soon as I played like BO3 zombies with my friends, running around like idiots and with a goofy time was like last hotel if we had been really tired. In Madden when you're at this point, it demonstrates that it's not taken seriously, they should either put the resources back to MUT and Franchise or wait till they're ready for the lawn to be a significant game mode to launch it. Do not get me wrong the Madden 21 coins lawn is not bad but you need to really try to have fun with it instead of like Minecraft at which you can just hop in and enjoy most of the time. Same deal with face of this franchise, except I'm leaning more toward the Gutfoxx manner of carrying it from the game completely. Sometimes with friends. We dont play competitively though, we only fuck around. Yeah all of the laterals make it interesting. I play it once I simply don't feel like having to think too much in MUT. Get fried, have a beer and chill ya know.

I found John Geiger all around the Yard, but that is he and why should I care? The uniforms look horrible. I will break it down as well as I understand it. As a long suffering Jets fan, I remember back in 2010 when Revis held out. We kept getting upgrades through his right hand man - a pseudo representative who had been just his BFF from childhood or something, called John Geiger. Nobody really knew this Geiger guy did for Revis, however, he promised to be the one you had to speak to to"get to Darrelle". And then somehow a couple of decades later, he's a fashion designer. That's the best I can make of it.

Eventually a uniform which makes it look like my player got felt up by somebody with paint on their hands. Happy Halloween! I think that it'll be similar to the UK promo. A drop this Friday, the"2nd half" would be some BS LTDs following Friday. The money grab is absurd this season and there simply isn't material for solo grinders. If they are strategy is to give half of the content and replace the other half with LTDs and a push for $$, and then I think I will be quitting Madden for great this year. I haven't played with the Yard yet but hopefully the point values are distinct, no way in hell I would be paying $20+ for makeup. They also seem like ass, what happened with the nice looking Dresses like the Aztec, Crusaders, Devils, Bulldogs, etc.? One more thing about a ghost uniform is the fact that it'll never be the cheap Madden nfl 21 coins field.

Madden 21 Cpu vs Cpu or Slow Sim Sliders for 10 or even 15 minute quarters