I'd like to suggest Eagle kite, simply because

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I'm sure you'll be very difficult to get less than 1m , and even more likely that you'll end up spending 1.5-2m on the next three levels. Summoning is among those runescape gold cheap games where you bite your nails and don't think too much about price.

It's worth it to acquire those levels, Yip, Tort and Bat are all good familiars, however, I'm not aware of a cheap and easy method that doesn't take a ridiculous amount of prep time. Abyssal Lurkers (Which requires you to farm abyssal creatures to gain the abyssal attractions) and Graahks/Kyatt's being among the only truly lucrative and marketable familiars I've come across below the age of 66.

I'm not looking for most exp pouches, I want pouches that are able to be sold back so that I can minimize my losses I have only 2 mills in my account but I'd like 69 summoning, and I DO plan to utilize as many charms as necessary, all if I have to.

As I mentioned in that final paragraph, the only selling familiars that I have are Kyatt as well as Graahk and Lurker. Other familiars may sell if given time or a low enough price but they'll almost all result in a small loss. There's not much in the way of useful familiars for those who aren't in the Yip/tort stage and this is the reason that most pouches go for around half the cost of creation or less. The best method to minimize loss is probably to not waste time gathering material for the ones which generate profits and then make the quickest ones, making use of the time and effort saved to later repurpose the loss.

It's true that this isn't exactly the kind of information you're looking for and If someone has a more complex method I'm unaware of I'd love to hear about it. However, based on my personal experience with those levels it ended up being much more efficient to just eat the huge price tag instead of trying scrape every penny of gp that I could from the affair.

I'd like to suggest Eagle kite, simply because CLS is a suck. Aside from PvP it's of no utility, being outclassed by other items (usually the rapier) in every scenario. Bandos is arguable - maul does more damage, and has a longer duration, but CLS lets you be able to tank using a shield.

If Jad is the only thing you'll employ an Eagle kites for, then it's really not worth it. There are many rewards better than CLS. My personal opinion on the best method to gain items: Arc Stream - cheap & best mage ammy in game. Rapier - best melee weapon in game. I wouldn't want to use it solely for Jad and certainly not for other purposes. I already own an rapier by the way. That's the reason I tried to choose the cls. If it's no osrs powerleveling superior than a rapier in the sense of controlling I can get it after the shield.