SoM is so bizarre since everyone is having a variety of issues

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Think it's important to note that we don't know all of wow tbc gold the new changes yet, and that it's likely going be very minor for the first season. They're pushing the limits each season, I'm certain. Maybe this season's changes aren't enough to be appealing for you. For me, but I'm still hopeful for further changes that will create a raiding environment with more of a defined meta, or make the pvp system more efficient.

Word, it's unfortunate that activision hasn't discovered a goldmine. However, they didn't take advantage of it because of a. J allen brack doesnt have much interest in traditional and b. their executives are to be embarrassed the retail industry isn't as good as vanilla. They push their thin system to keep their jobs c. Bobby is looking for yachts due to the fact that they're not equipped with enough the gms needed to monitor a real world.

A lot of people want a traditional plus. It seems that most people think activision isn't equipped with the expertise or the ability to put together an iconic plus. And i dont see Activision investing 100s of millions of dollars to make the classic plus. It basically means that all of vanilla's products were a waste of money. I dont see management getting the L, and admitting they aren't sure how to produce a quality game. If they had the wits, they would announce classic plus tomorrow and hire Kevin Jordan.

SoM is so bizarre since everyone is having a variety of issues and want changes, but this is the sort of debate that caused the end of wow (noobs seeking dual-spec removal of grinding, speedier leveling). We shouldn't be catering to players who aren't interested in best price for wow classic tbc gold the game anymore, and we shouldn't be able to trust active players who aren't knowledgeable about moose. They should employ better developers and eliminate the ion.