WOW Classic Items making ready to take the re release of its MMORPG

WOW Classic Items making ready to take the re-release of its MMORPG

After the achievement of World of Warcraft: Classic, Blizzard is WOW Classic Items making ready to take the re-release of its MMORPG in its authentic shape to the next expansion, with the release of The Burning Crusade someday later this year.

The news was planned to be announced at this year's BlizzCon occasion taking location on-line tomorrow, however a leaked early press package revealed the expansion early.

The Burning Crusade become at first released in 2007, and could upload two new races to World of Warcraft Classic's playable roster -- the Alliance Draenei, and the Horde Blood Elves. It raises the extent cap to 70, and sends gamers to the broken international of Outland to fight the invading Burning Legion throughout regions such as the scorched Hellfire Penninsula, the swampy Zangarmarsh, and the mystical Terokkar Forest. It additionally delivered flying, allowing players to earn mounts that could allow them to soar throughout Outland.