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Msb ruined rune cbow at greater range levels. However, as you just have 75 range, I would recommend sticking to rune cbow + monk underside. I suggest 85 range for my own installation (so that MSB hits often and OSRS gold comes much nearer to it's potential DPS), found here: Lemon missed the brand new tt launch, and thus the equipment offered is a bit outdated. Arma mitre + unholy emblem is better than zammy mitre + arma pendant in every possible way, as well as costing less.

So I need a dscimmy but I havent done fighter insanity or the quests needed to start it... So I can perform tree gnome village along with the grand tree but don't know if I will we be able to win against the supervisors? So could you please inform me if I can or what exactly the recommened levels are mainly what method or plan I must use for three quests! My equipment (but I dont want to risk it if I am likely to die, as I lost dboots, karils coif and 50+ charms , but marketed dhatchet to receive my boots back)

Hey I took around a 2 year break from runescape and now I have chosen to return. My query is what has changed in those 2 years. Has there been some huge updates or any fresh armor or weapons or anything. I would also appreciate any information you would need to Cheap RS gold give me as ive been out of this game for some time. Herblore and prayer had enormous updates. . .herblore with intense potions, particular attack restore potions, super antifire (no shield needed) and an overload which combines all of the extreme boosts.