Hey everyone, hope all is good! I havent been round these parts for around 3 years!

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Alright, so here is the deal... I'm gont get membership again and RuneScape gold I had been thinking of ways of earning money (around 20m would do for me personally ), but it feels like every method I came across to, was boring. But when I discovered about God Wars Dungeon, it looked pretty interesting. I can not kill the boss, so I'm considering going after his minions. And they do seem to drop seeds which could possibly be a fantastic enough money source. So here's my question...

Am I ready for God Wars Dungeon yet? If yeah, then please write what equipments will be good for me. I am really desperate for money. And skilling appears to take forever. And don't go all like,'OMFG YOUR STR IS SO LOW NUB GO TRAIN IT OR YOU STAND NO CHANCE!' Because no matter what you do, my Strength level will never go over my Defence level.Study - create teletabs; find out where shooting stars are landing; alter the part of a magic staff. Bedroom - alter your hair (and beard/mustache if your character is male) and foundation clothing. Kitchen - unlimited supplies of some simple food; unlimited supplies of cooking implements; unlimited supplies of a stat-boosting ale. Any room with a bookcase - every book from every quest, skill etc. that you've used in-game & do not have in your possession. Last but FAR at - infinite teleports into 10 distinct destinations; six in Portal Chambers, four at the Quest Hall. I had been wondering what pursuit's I need to be able to get to GWD. Also, what equipment should I use? I Will do Temple Of Ikov to get an Armadyl Pendant. Can there be anything of Bandos besides boots which is lower price... Here is the installation I had been thinking. In case you have any suggestions about altering anything up ther. Please tell me. Also if there is a less expensive setup.

I decided to commit my time in killing Aviansies. I hear they're amazing for making money and are good Ranged xp. I'm not certain if I have a fantastic setup. Tell me everything you think... Inventory: 200 High Alchs. 170 Bones to Peaches tabs. Monkfish to begin with (will utilize the bones to peaches when from monks). I am picking up ALL runes that drop (good idea???) . Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Hey everyone, hope all is good! I havent been round these parts for around 3 years! (world of warcraft... haha) Now circumstances have changed, and when I can get my account allure seemed at and acquire the appeal. . I'll be playing runescape again! I have a few questions; Anyone here ever attempted to recover a locked account (hacked one, with different password). . And is there any info you can give jagex (a previous in game bank pin or achievement ) to assist with the appeal, cause I dont realy remember if I had secret questions, dont remember what months I played so any appeals I make are a lost cause! How does this operate? An in game edition of EBay? You dont get to determine the price but the general public does? Whats the best armor nowadays? As soon as I left the barrows sets were probably the very best, with guthans costing at 13 million, which has dropped a whole lot! Also on this topic; the abysal whip, is it still any good or is there something more viable that's a lot better? I learned about a loan program? The wilderness has gone!? But theres old school realms where there is wilderness everywhere? Can anyone go into depth on this for me? Sorry if those are a bit nooby, ive been looking for the official and sals forums for the cheap RS gold past couple of days and cant find any real advice, I will appreciate any answers anyone can give me! And if anybody gives me guidance that helps me get my account back, I'll present my thanks in game some how! Thank you in advance!