I am purchasing M21

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This can 100% be carried out in 1 year if they don't waste resources on a boring career style like Face of the Franchise. I am not purchasing Madden 21 coins unless there are SIGNIFICANT franchise improvements. But I'm not getting it until late in the year once it is on sale even if that does happen. Last year was the first time I got Madden early this current gen and had to wait until week 10 or 11 irl to even start my franchise with all the patches and mods needed to fix the game. So perhaps if they actually listen to once, it is going to be worthwhile but I am not anticipating much of anything still. I am trusting M22 will actually give franchise the changes it deserves. They said the exact same shit"we're listening to the fans".

They will create franchise style just adequate enough to rope you to get the $60 admittance ticket. Then they'll funnel you towards ultimate team as much as they possibly can. Upgrades and new content for UT per week but franchise mode will stay largely the exact same on day 1 that it's 12 months afterwards. I like UT, especially squads, but it's pretty shitty how EA pushes the ultimate team stadium in all their sports games now. It was a new thing in the previous iteration of NCAAF and I wager their frothing in the mouth hoping that name yields later on so they can have another cash cow UT game.It's nice to at least get an acknowledgement. We have nothing from Nintendo with #FixUltimateOnline. I expect EA provides Madden exactly the exact same remedy they did Battlefront II in reaction to this backlash.

Ya know, madden does have a community supervisor. He simply literally only articles over on the ultimate team sub. Its foolish. I play a good deal of Destiny, and there would be riots if Bungies community managers only talked about 1 match style. This would not have occurred if Madden communicated over here whatsoever. They better start adding features during the year. We're done waiting an whole year for essential standard stuff that could be an update. I can't wait to see the capacity to employ supporters again and them lauding this as a huge thing. This has become the worst year and alter for  mmoexp legit. The Display wasn't even especially memorable this year. Like, none of that ought to be challenging, but it certainly seems like no one wants to put in the time to make these games worthwhile.