SLAYER (SAFE/RISKY) Prerequisites: Routine battle gear.

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SLAYER (SAFE/RISKY) Prerequisites: Routine battle gear. Slayer offers you access to RuneScape gold the monsters that normally you could not kill. Their fall tables are known as better than those of regular enemies. This creates a chance to produce some gold and get better equipment for your Ironman character.

Although you can make some gp through Slayer even very early on, you might need to get to 80 Combat and 50 Attack for this method to become really profitable. Higher level creatures land better overall profit and since we came here largely for gold you are interested in being at the maximum battle that it is possible to get. For Ironman, Slayer is a real gamble since some of the monsters drop a lot of gold while some give hardly anything. You cannot decide on which task you are sent so that your best bet is to prohibit the least profitable ones. Read more about this in our Slayer guide.I'm considering 3 different equipment types. They are as follows... This build will be good for str training. Idk when the fury is worth it tho. Great for pest control that's one of my fav mini games. My next construct switches the fury using a DFS. This is the best defensive option. Probly not as good for coaching str as build 1 because of the lack of acc due to no d defender. This could be amazing for CW which I love to do though. Also, I would have to increase about 2 mil with this construct unless I oust the berserker ring.

This build is probly very best for dueling and good for CW. Perhaps even insect (high assault is excellent for hitting the portal site ). The problem is that I hear GWs are bad at educating str. The question is"how awful?" If its not that noticable I might choose this. Could u provide a much better alternative to these while remaining withing 30 mil? Perhaps a bandos item? All 3 options are appealing to me. I just really need to know which high costing thing is most worth it (fury, DFS, BGS).

I'm a Runecrafter and one of Best OSRS Gold site my favourite things to craft is Astral Runes. I am able to craft doubles which generally nets me a massive gain but recently Astrals have awakened in price. As a result of this, I've had to switch to Nature Runes which I don't like crafting just as much.