Advertising methods

It is a message presented in one of the presentation methods, aimed at introducing new products, or having additions to old products through a media outlet to reach the largest number of viewers.

It is presented in different mold, and is keen to produce the new to attract many to

publicity and announcement
It is a message presented in one of the presentation methods, aimed at introducing new products, or having additions to old products through a media outlet to reach the largest number of viewers.

It is presented in different mold, and is keen to produce the new to attract many to the product, and is featured by its low cost, like other productions, and its short time; So that we see that it does not exceed one minute in its width.

radio advertisement
It is featured by its low cost, ease of production, and is recorded only with sound and sometimes accompanied by music, and these ads have the ability to create the image, through their ability to send imaginary information to the listener, and their vision is limited to a specific group of the population, given the waves they transmit.

TRANSLATED FROM:كيفية تصميم هوية تجارية

TV advertising
dependent on image and sound; The picture increases the viewer's ability to observe and scrutimize things, and it is considered one of the favorite means for many people, because they prefer to listen.

and watching together, and is featured by its relatively high cost; Because it needs expensive equipment, and it takes time to produce it, and many residents can see it; Because television was able to cross the limits in its broadcast.

It is a comprehensive cover letter, the poster is designed on one sheet using a design program such as InDesign, and every person who designs a poster is keen to focus on the important aspects of the poster, that it contains a promotional image, and this image bears the logo of the announced company, for example

It also contains the name of the company, the purpose of the preacher or what is known as the chant, and it can contain the place of obtaining it, or a phone number for review. This poster is published in newspapers, magazines, and online, and filmmakers are the largest group in using this medium.

Important things before starting advertising
Any person, or company that wants to promote its products, must develop a plan before starting, and this plan includes several things, namely: Defining the audience: that is, who is the audience that I want my message to reach, there is a general audience, and a private audience.

TRANSLATED FROM:مميزات وعيوب التسويق الإلكتروني

How to deliver the message: any medium, such as radio, television, the Internet, newspapers, and magazines. Determine the cost: the budget, because it does not make sense to have so little money to produce an expensive advertisement. When choosing a medium, the following must be taken into account: the audience that the means can reach; Because the audience is the basis of advertising.

The medium that will produce the work is known for its high ability in production and directing, to be attractive and popular with the public. name display time; Where there are times when the number of views is high due to the program that is shown at that time, and at times completely opposite.