Graphic Design Elements

Graphic degn, also known as the art of vual communication, a creative proce performed by a degner in line with the client's reqrements of material data, and a number of producers, including print workers, programmers and directors, contribute to the output of th creative work.

graphic degn
Graphic degn, also known as the art of vual communication, a creative proce performed by a degner in line with the client's reqrements of material data, and a number of producers, including print workers, programmers and directors, contribute to the output of th creative work.

They collaborate together in an effort to deliver a meage to the target segment of their work. It also known as the application of a set of principles and bacs to certain elements in an effort to find a new vual communicative work of art based on a still image, and has a form either printed or dplayed on a two-dimenonal surface.

the point
It indicated that the truth or origin of everything in nature a dot, and shapes begin to form by the grouping of a number of points with each other.

The line refers to a very narrow shape that has several functions represented by sense and movement within the spaces or what rounds it. Th stems from the extent of its ability to influence the eye and enable it to follow it in every direction it goes.

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Each type of lines refers to a specific expreion. For example, smooth straight lines indicate tranqlity, calmne and stability. As for the other type, which intersecting, oppong or in the oppote direction, it is an expreion of interaction, activity, vitality and movement.

the shape
The shape (shape) represents a closed integrated line, and divided into several types, including: circle, square and triangle, in a more accurate sense, they are regular geometric shapes, and also includes irregular shapes ch as those found in nature, and In interior degn, the concept of shape can refer to formation, or construction, That , to come up with a new form from an old form we already have.

We can say that it is a reflection of viable objects on a flat rface according to what the beholder sees from a certain angle, that, it is not milar to its real tuation, so the novice degner falls victim to the error of ignorance of the rules of perspective, and the perspective divided into two types: the linear and the antenna.

the color
Despite the large number of colors and the inability to limit them, there is a main claification of colors, which are: Cold colors: they include: blue and its degrees, and green and its degrees. Hot colors: include red, yellow and their derivatives. Based on the foregoing, the main colors are only red, yellow and blue

The rest of the colors relt from mixing these colors with each other to produce secondary colors. As for the white color, it is not condered a color, but only rays. As for the black color, we can get it by mixing a number of colors with each other.

TRANSLATED FROM:ديكورات ريسبشن

the value
Value, which the value taken by the lumino angle in the degn, where it is of a higher value than any other dark angle, and the value the degree of the lumino value falling on the area, and it indicated that ads degned in black and white only have a higher lumino value than others. The more black we go, the lower the brightne.

Texture unique from the rest of the elements by attracting two senses at the same time: touch and ght, and its importance in its ability to make the beholder dtingsh the parts of the degn by giving everything its own nature, ch as the roughne that it highlights on the rough face, for example.

Th property not only aociated with graphic degn, but it also a phycal property related to objects, and its task to meare the amount of matter that makes up the body, in addition to that, ma also aociated with sculpture with architectural qualities, and characterized by solidity and weight to the extent that makes a person feel full.

Space a very important element in the degn due to its role in clarifying the dimenons of the degn and the shapes that it consts of, and it gives great importance to the blocks as reqred by helping it re-create and give them the expreive meaning.