Jon's stream started to bring in actual money

Jon's stream started to bring in actual money

"It hooked me right away, and I fell in love with it," Jon explained. "I built up this server called ‘Seal Team Sloth.’ I became an admin, and was one of the head people running it. I wasn't getting paid or anything, but I was just into the community."

Jon started streaming his ARMA antics on Twitch for a modest audience—anywhere between five and ten viewers, who mostly came from his role-playing community. He was waiting tables at Chili's by day, and streaming by night, while his then-girlfriend, Theresa, slept on the couch behind him; whisper/yelling into his headset so he could entertain the viewers without waking her up. This was his usual routine, but then one night, Jon's stream started to bring in actual money.

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