I don't think so

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I strongly suggest you do some prayer based quests last. If you start prayer, you won't be that good until higher battle (such as 75 strength+). If you remain 1 prayer you can pk a lot sooner and help avoid that"all work and OSRS gold no play" problem which many pures do. This helps to keep most people inspired. You could also stop at 50 attack for granite mauling first. Stay legit guy. 90 percent of pures (that's a made up statistic, but it's probably unfortunately true ) nowadays are botted, combat brace wearing nubs.

Inside my explanation, I am are assuming that you are getting 95 prayer from about 75ish. You can add in your own personal numbers and follow what I did to see if its different. So a 35m gap in the purchase price and a 15 hour time difference. So in case you value your own time at 2.3m+/hr it is well worth it to utilize bark dragon bones. However, this is assuming you've got the money already, which you dont, but if you would like to collect the frost bones to make this possible you can.

Now for your amassing the bones. It all depends on how much you really make/hr. Should you make 2m/hr then it is 90 hours for the trickle bones and 72.5 hours for the dragon bones. Now adding how long it takes to use the bones its 97.25 hours all the way through for dragon bones and 100 hours all of the way through for Frost bones. And you must answer for yourself if 2.75 hours is worth 35m. (Probably not). Therefore it's better in your case to use dragon bones, by 2.75 hours gap and 35m. Dragon bones are about precisely the same time as frost bones, however you conserve 35m.

I don't think so. As an example, if you press Esc to close your bank it would need to use coordinates to obtain the X to close the bank, making it automated and illegal. Also pressing F10 to switch into bank and equipment, that is not 1:1 input to output. Going from gear to bank is a number of purposes and is also impossible to do with 1 click unless you are hacking the game to allow it to do that. If that isn't true then develop on which you want it to buy RS gold do, I did not really know what you were asking but I gave my own attempt.