It took them a while but EA did eventually mend starwars battlefront 2

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It took them a while but EA did eventually mend starwars battlefront 2 after all the backlash. Thats because disney put the fucking clamps down Madden 21 coins behind the scenes together with the community. No body fucks using the mouse along with all his assets. However, battlefronts problems were coping with lootboxes which in the time were beginning to draw the ire of gambling lovers through many unique games even congress was going to begin getting involved. Ea may have still place a campaign style in but they likely would not have addressed the pay to acquire difficulty if it was only the fans getting involved. Right now for madden its predominantly lovers and youtubers pressing on the issue with a few sports figures here and there. I still hold out hope but when an employee calls customers clowns on social networking and still has a job, you know that its a crap shoot from the top down.

I have not been stunned at anything in video games because the ending of the last people 1. I seriously can not believe they really acknowledged us. I'm still very sure they won't add anything, but the fact that they even said anything at all is better than what we had yesterday! Fantastic start everybody, but we have a lot more voicing of opinions to perform if franchise will get to where it ought to be! The developers have been in contact with the fans. He stopped and came out and said the developers aren't in control, executives are. I have never seen a developer, or community manager ever acknowledge the franchise community's annoyance. We have been ignored for years, and it's evident by community frustration, and also in the quality of the mode.

Rex Dickson is his title. He worked on Madden 13-19. He was constantly on twitter participating with fans. When he ceased he did a bunch of interviews telling folks why madden sucks. My point revolved around the fact that the madden group is absolutely dreadful at PR, and creating their community feel valued and heard. Sounds like the two times he's just saying shit in order to receive views. A lot of people will not provide this much merit till they see active changes, which can be sensible, but when is the last time anyone from the Dev team admitted the game style needed fixing similar to this? Seems promising to me that they are addressing this. M22 could see an overhaul if this is legit.

Rex Dixon left the business pretty much for trying to push more franchise and gameplay fixes. Suits wish to push the game in a different direction. Rex killed the last great Madden Franchise (Madden 12) using the shit version we have (Madden 13 to present). Was it especially him though? Granted I have only listened to his side of the story after years of attributing it specifically onto him. If the buck doesn't stop with the inventive director, where does this stop at? . Again this is only coming out of his perspective, but within this breakdown of an interview w/ Rex, he mentions why he abandoned EA, and the way he pushed to cheap Mut 21 coins delay the game for a year to to build the game from the ground up to move from legacy code. The previous manager Ian Cummings also left for similar reasons, in the end of the afternoon EA is well-known for killing franchises, and spewing into the lowest denominator in relation to client relations.