117 said that they offered Jagex as a compromise

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"Yesterday we made contact with the developers of OSRS GP well-known HD projects and asked that they stop developing their games, as this is a project we have been actively exploring," Jagex stated. Jagex addressed 117 with the news that the company's work on an HD variant of Old School Runescape was "still relatively early in the exploration stages" but "very much in progress."

"Naturally, this means that any project led by fans that seeks to change the way Old School RuneScape appears will not be compatible with our own ideas," Jagex wrote to 117. "We consider it absolutely essential to maintain consistency with regards to the way Old School appears, and so we want to make certain that our official changes will be the only ones that are available.

Hopefully the news that Jagex and the Old School team are tackling this project in earnest is something that you are excited about even though it could require us to respectfully request that you stop your personal projects."

117 said that they offered Jagex as a compromise, by buy RuneScape gold removing their project when Jagex has released their own and also giving Jagex "collaborative management" over Runelite HD's design style.