What is Blizzard's long term goal with WOW WoTLK Classic?

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I am also curious if Blizzard has maintained rolling ignites in or if they fixed it like they did later on. As thought iirc, BWL is not really as bad for fire. WoTLK Gold was such a powerful stigma who died everyone was frost to become secure. But if you're min/maxing at 2020, fire can be used.

What is Blizzard's long term goal with WOW WoTLK Classic? Are they really likely to proceed the Old School Runescape course or are they going to release updates as they're right now Vanilla is followed by that? There a poll recently asked about TBC and how should it happen, by Blizzard. Therefore, if you want to have safe bet, put your cash on the choice where they simply release TBC (and probably Wotlk later ) next.

I really hope whenever they go that route it will have fresh servers.

As far as I love what they have done with WOW WoTLK Classic, I ended up quitting after a few months and trying to reunite (as an Alliance participant on a PvP server) was utterly hellish I just can't be bothered to do so. I have played on personal servers for many years and that experience has been nearer a lot nearer to vanilla compared to WOW WoTLK Classic has been for me. Really highlights just how much people tryhard these days I guess. Leveling was a continuous case of"Are you currently a Mage so we are able to AoE farm dungeons? No? Get out", very little to no WPvP that I adored due to layering etc..

I'm sure WOW WoTLK Classic TBC won't be like actual TBC but in my own mind that game had a few of the greatest MMORPG balance and until everybody gets their epic flying mounts those zones are a blast to experience. Plus massively improved dungeons and raids (Karazhan is fantastic). However, with hugely skewed numerous WOW WoTLK Classic servers already are, with some savings being completely controlled, I'd not want to be on a server with maxed out WOW players. (Not to mention vanilla raid gear / R14 equipment is actually really good in TBC for a long time, especially if they don't go with a later itemization patch than TBC launching ).

I haven't actually bothered with WoTLK Classic Gold but if they announce that a BC server is opening and it is possible to port your WOW WoTLK Classic character over(also remaining on the WOW WoTLK Classic server only a progression on another server) I'd likely make a character. Knowing I continue on into Wrath and could reestablish BC again would be amazing. Your error was choosing on a PvP server for play that was casual-ish. You know the man from the South Park WoW event? That man was the exception back in 2005. They were relatively rare, although it was amusing because most everyone knew a man like that.