The Warcraft Alliance did not make it to Lordaeron at that time

The Fallen Prince was accompanied by to his unalive army whose ranks were bolstered by the multitude of bodies of Lordearon's citizens, and marched straight for his prize. Many tried to stop him like the well-known Warcraft player Sylvanas Windrunner, but she, like every other person

In full in the events of the cult RTS game, Warcraft 3 WOTLK Gold. Arthas Menethil was perhaps the game's most infamous and impactful character - had betrayed his own people and pled him to the Scourge. The goal of his mission was to revive the powerful necromancer, Kel'thuzad, but to do this , he required a kind of strength that can only be located in the high-elf City of Silvermoon. Specifically, he was after the Sunwell, the source of unlimited magical energy that was the heartbeat of high elf culture.

The Fallen Prince was accompanied by to his unalive army whose ranks were bolstered by the multitude of bodies of Lordearon's citizens, and marched straight for his prize. Many tried to stop him like the well-known Warcraft player Sylvanas Windrunner, but she, like every other person who fought back, was shot with brutality and forced into soulless servitude. The high elves called out to aid however, they were not able to receive help from the allies. The majority members of the Alliance was or was too far away to aid or simply dead. Arthas was nothing short of mass murder, killing nine-tenths of the population of elves in one cruel sweep. He also soiled the Sunwell beyond all recognition, and destroyed the high elves' sources of magic and potential for a new future.

After all of this destruction, and the death of his father, the king, Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider had no choice but to piece out what was left of his people and search for assistance elsewhere. The effects that came with losing the Sunwell had taken a devastating toll on his family too and mana withdrawals could turn them all mad with desire for magic. Kael'thas has renamed his remaining people blood elves, also known as sin'dorei as a result of this destruction. The Warcraft survivors who survived the Scourge attack of Quel'thalas moved to the ruins of Lordaeron but Arthas had reduced the majority of it to rubble already with only a handful left to take the pieces.

The Warcraft Alliance did not make it to Lordaeron at that time, because most of its soldiers as well as its skilled leaders were fighting against with the Burning Legion a continent away. In the end, the blood-elves met a man who would be the catalyst that ultimately extinguished any love of the Alliance they left behind. Othmar Garithos was a highly-ranking officer who was tasked with leading the entire Alliance troops who were still in Lordaeron Not because of merit cheap WOTLK Classic Gold, but only because of desperation. He was a tough, xenophobic, and unreasonable man who saw all the World of Warcraft's other races as inferior to humans.