Making combat more difficult would require more diversity in how monsters strike. Currently, almost all of the creatures are able to make a run straight for an Elyon Gold attacker, making it extremely simple to organize them into large groups , then take them out with several AoE attacks. When there is an opponent that is ranged that is not very effective to stay away, making it possible to Elyon Gold lure all other creatures to them. Even the stronger enemies, referred to as leaders, can be slow to strike with any specific tactics, making evasion simple. While I'm all for making the effort to get through content that is low-level quickly, I can see the way this combat in easy mode could be an issue for some.
Just because my overall experience so far has been positive doesn't mean everything in Elyon is rainbows and unicorns. I'm a general fan of gathering and crafting in MMOs, but the thought of making some serious art in Elyon is nothing short of difficult. It's a choice that I consider a positive it's not a mini-game to play that involves crafting. You go to a workbench select a recipe, decide on the quantity you'd like to make, and press start. That's fine.
The problem I am facing is the amount of time required to construct any item. The first weapon that I make requires 10 tough plywood and five tough metal rods. Each of these are the result of a significant accomplishment when it comes to crafting the base plywood and metal rods. With a chance of 10% for a big success, that means I'll need to construct 100 square feet of plywood and 50 steel rods to obtain the needed resources for my weapon. If you can craft for 8 seconds the time would be approximately 20 minutes to make the necessary materials for a single object! The weapon itself isn't as good as what I'm currently using. I've barely begun to scratch the surface of crafting and I'm assuming there will be ways (other that buying supplies) to improve the speed of the process, but this doesn't sound enjoyable to me. Perhaps I'm missing something?
Gathering can be a bit better, but it comes with certain pitfalls. Along with gathering from resource nodes out in the wild After you've gained the right to live in a house, you can include nodes in your personal plot. They are set-it and forget it thing. So every hour or two you can go in, harvest, replant, and pop back out. Simple but effective, yeah?
In the course of your adventure you'll also receive Dimensional Seeds. Once planted, these unique seeds will create a portal to two different mini-games. Both games aren't very enjoyable as I didn't wish to go back to them after the first attempt. But, they take only just a few minutes to complete and they provide a fair amount of resources in the time, so they are unfortunately something I'll must endure. It would be easier if Dimensional Seeds just gave a higher yield than normal seeds, and then we could leave them at that.
Just a few of the issues I've come upon so far. Others, such as being instructed to buy Elyon Gold choose a guild in some of the quests and then finding out that leaving that guild once the quest has been completed prevented me from choosing Elyon Gold for sale another guild for 50 hours. They are an inconvenience, but aren't something that could end your game. There are bound to be additional things that hinder my enjoyment, but I hope they'll be insignificant compared to the enjoyment I'm having.