With the help of druids of all races as well as Cenarius, the Wild God Cenarius, players were able to end the Firelord forever and for all WOTLK Gold. Al'Akir was not around for long and was slain from his kingdom the four-winded Throne. Winds.
In the case of Therazane and Neptulon their assistance was vital in defending Azeroth against the Hour of Twilight and mending the devastating environmental damage caused by the emergence of Deathwing.
The black dragons were responsible for watching over the depths of the earth for millennia. They were guided through their Aspect, Deathwing, or the name he was given prior to losing his mental sanity, Neltharion the Earth-Warder.
However, the black dragons' relationship to Azeroth in itself made them particularly vulnerable to the inevitable but slow degradation that was the work of Old Gods, who had been rooted in the world long before dragons existed. Before the Cataclysm the children of Deathwing sought to cause chaos among the mortal race.
Onyxia and Nefarian even though both had been killed in the course in World of Warcraft: Classic was brought back to life by the powers the Twilight Cult was researching. Both siblings were destroyed yet again during their second battle in the Blackrock Depths raid, as were many of their relatives who had survived to this point.
It was the Black Dragonflight, a mere shell of what it was, then turned to corruption of dragons from other flights to increase its number. A red dragon, however, was determined to buy WOTLK Classic Gold discover a method to stop their insaneness. Rheastrasza was able to cleanse one of the eggs that were black by using Titan magic, and eventually taking her own life to ensure that Deathwing could not be aware of the existence of the egg.