The film is a mix of live-action and CG

The film is a mix of live-action and CG and CG, the latter of that is being developed in collaboration with Star Wars effects studio Industrial Light & Magic.

The World of wow tbc gold Warcraft movie, which is being made through Legendary along with Universal Pictures, was previously planned to be released on the 18th of December, 2015 --the same day of Star Wars: World of Warcraft VII. However, it was delayed until March 11, 2016.

The film is a mix of live-action and CG and CG, the latter of that is being developed in collaboration with Star Wars effects studio Industrial Light & Magic. Its CG process was considered when the decision to delay the release of the film.

Tull explained, "We wanted to make sure that we had the date] just right, however, there are some sequences as well as certain things [director] Duncan Jones has done that are on the cutting-edge.

"You must have ample time to ensure that we have them dialed in. By the time they return home and are setup, it'll take just under two years. It'll be around 20 months, but we need to be patient and ensure that we are doing this correctly because the technology employed is the latest technology."

Tull said that there won't be a scenario in which the film is finished and then left to linger in the background; when buy TBC Classic Gold asked if the time will be utilized, Tull responded, "Correct Absolutely."