Enabling 120 fps for Rocket League on the Xbox Series X S

Enabling 120 fps for Rocket League on the Xbox Series X S

In the chat, it changed into cited that on the Microsoft console it only wished a small replace for this, while on Sony’s video game the work could be Rocket League Credits a entire port.

“Enabling 120 fps [for Rocket League] on the Xbox Series X / S required a small update, however at the PlayStation five a complete local port would be wanted due to the backward compatibility that become carried out on the console, and alas now not feasible due to our focus on other extra critical fronts for the identify ”, discovered to Psyonix.

The Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S versions may be configured with that choice; Psyonix explains the why. Just some weeks ago, Rocket League went loose-to-play, a transition that has been finished after Epic Games acquired Psyonix, the studio accountable. With the advent of the new consoles, it changed into formally showed that the identify could be adapted to https://www.lolga.com the brand new technology.