WoW Classic servers are an empty town

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The test realm only has content that was released in WoW WoTLK Gold Classic's initial phase, however, it also includes more recent additions to the game, such as the possibility of purchasing a world-buff saving item from Chromie that was not present in the initial game version. This feature was not available in the vanilla WoW but was added prior to the Burning Crusade Classic's launch. The new test realm has players speculating it could be a hint that Blizzard is looking to launch new servers for WoW Classic that allow players to start their adventure into Azeroth beginning by starting from scratch.

World of Warcraft Classic: Burning Crusade Reveal

At present, WoW Classic servers are an empty town. Blizzard forced players to make a choice between playing on what it now calls "Classic Era" servers or moving on to the game's first expansion, Burning Crusade Classic, at the end of June. it seems the majority of players opted to go to Outland over staying in Azeroth. But there is still a dedicated community consisting of those who would rather play WoW Classic to Burning Crusade.

A lot of those avid players are currently relocating to servers that are private and unofficial for the game that players are allowed to play for free however, they're technically illegal. This is what a lot of players who are vanilla WoW fans resorted to in the years prior to the official release by Blizzard of WoW Classic, and are now going back to because of the state of California lawsuit alleging a work culture of discrimination and harassment toward women by Blizzard and the introduction of microtransactions, such as a level boost and buy WoTLK Gold mount on Burning Crusade Classic. Some players no longer feel comfortable supporting Blizzard directly.