What are websites

Websites are defined as a group of files and resources that can be accessed through the World Wide Web, so that these files and resources are included under a domain name.

What are websites
Websites are defined as a group of files and resources that can be accessed through the World Wide Web, so that these files and resources are included under a domain name.

A website can be defined as a group of electronic pages located across the World Wide Web, all of which share a single domain name. There is a difference between a website and an electronic page; As the website consists of a group of electronic pages, the number of which may reach millions of pages in some sites.

The websites together form the World Wide Web, and the website can be created by any person or organization to provide various electronic services that differ according to the nature and type of the website.

Websites are opened using one of the different internet browsers, and then the URL of the site you want to go to is written in the browser address bar. If you do not know the URL of the site, a search engine can be used to find the website address via the Internet.

Website history
There are currently millions of websites on the World Wide Web, but all of these websites did not exist for nearly twenty years ago, as the history of the creation of the first ever website dates back to the year 1991 AD, specifically on the sixth of August, and this was meant The site provides information on the World Wide Web project

This website was prepared by British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee and ran on a NeXT computer in the CERN laboratory. The British scientist refused to have his web technology patented, as he wanted That this network be a free and open world that develops rapidly

Indeed, the year 1993 AD witnessed the launch of the first web browser, which was known as (Mosaic), then the subsequent few years witnessed the launch of many websites, until the number of websites in the year 2004 AD reached more than 51 million websites.

To date, more than 1.7 billion websites are connected to the World Wide Web, and this number is increasing by more than 570,000 new websites being launched every day.

Website components
Websites contain a wide variety of files; As documents (HTML), and graphic image files associated with them, in addition to scripts, and other files and other resources, so the pages within websites are usually a mixture of text and other media, and any of the pages on the site are accessed through the link Hypertext or hypertext embedded on other pages



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