Where to Buy Old Coins?

We buy any type of coins like Indian and foreign coins. If you have any old coins which you want to sell then contact us



We are the best buyer for your old coins. We buy any type of coins like Indian and foreign coins. If you have any old coins which you want to sell then contact us at info@https://oldcoinkendra.com/


Where to Buy Old Coins?

The best place to buy old coins is from a professional coin dealer. If you're looking to sell older coins, the first step is to contact a dealer and see if they are interested in buying your collection. If so, it's time for you to show them how much money you want for each piece (the price can vary depending on its condition).

Once the two of you have agreed on a price for each item in your collection, it is then up to them what happens next: whether or not they will take over possession of these items from yours; how much money they will pay out in exchange; and when exactly this transaction will happen.

How to identify Fake old coins?

When you're buying old coins, it's important to know how to spot fake ones. Here are some examples:

  • Look for signs of wear on the coin. If the coin has been worn down by years of use, this may be an indication that it's not real.
  • Check for a mint mark on your coin and make sure it matches up with its description in our glossary! It should also be readable in under 10 seconds (so don't expect us to call back).
  • Examine dates, inscriptions (such as "Helvetia"), edges/ribs or extra metal surrounding these parts of your piece before buying—they could help narrow down which ones are authentic vs counterfeiters' fakes!

Top 15 old coins of India.

  • The Big Five
  • Bombay Mint: This is the oldest mint in India and produces most of the coins that were used to pay taxes, dues and other charges during British rule. It also issued coins for transport purposes such as rail tickets, bus tokens etc. The coinage produced by this mint runs from 1797 until 1947 when it was taken over by Government of India which continued using it till 1966 when it was closed down permanently due to non-availability of raw materials needed for production at that time; however later on there has been some revival attempts done so far with some success but still at present there is no proper production facility set up again yet again..

2 . Calcutta Mint : This was founded by Lord Clive (1753) who wanted his people to adopt cashless payment system instead using local paper currency which did not have any security features like watermark or counterstamp etc., thus making them vulnerable against counterfeiting methods employed by enemies during war times; therefore he established this mint with help making better quality silver coins like mohur and pagodas which were easily recognised due use logo images printed on them which helped identifying fake ones among real ones - this technique became known as "clipping" later on

We are the best buyer for your old coins.

We are the best buyer for your old coins. We buy all types of old coins and pay the best price for your old coins, so you can get the highest value for your hard-earned money. We are reliable and trustworthy, so you can count on us to treat your items like they're our own!


We are the best  old coin buyers in India. We buy old coins and other Indian numismatic items. We have over a decade of experience buying and selling Indian coins, banknotes and currency notes. We offer a wide range of options for you to choose from when purchasing your next coin or banknote.