What Silv Best OSRS Gold site said are pretty great suggestions. When I was your level I'd . All the way from 60-70 plus it took me just like 3 times. It had been boring since you don't actually get anything but experience there however. It's kind of weird since I do not remember what I have been doing 70-90. I know I have Chinned a few tasks, umm and done things like Ranging bosses, the Circus. And of course Cannon.
In case you don't have a problem with wasting some cash you could Cannon Dagannoths while you Range them too. Or you could Chin, however I don't suggest Chinning til at 80+. Moving to Yaks can be good exp/hr. Around 40k at the best now likely. But that could be pushing it a bit. Since there are plenty of bots there.
I haven't attempted Fire Giants though. I visit a lot of people doing it whenever I had a task of them though. So it must be alright. Aviansies can be a good money maker and alright exp. But I am also afraid like Yaks, they have started to have a great deal of bots. Hope I sort of helped. Range is probably one of my poorer CB Skills on for what to train on.
In about 1 month I will have the ability to go do Frost Dragons (85 Dungeoneering). In about 3 months I'll have 99 Dungeoneering (6 chaotics).
I'm really not certain what I need to do, though, and, really, I'm just looking for a priority. I have seen the soak hurt - and, actually, it doesn't amuse me. Main reason why I'm leaning towards Elysian. (14% Soak -200. E.g., 300 hit would just soak 14 dmg.D 14% Soak is the"20% soak" which is what it states buy OSRS gold in KB.