Dark and Darker is currently in the middle of development

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Dark and Darker is currently in the middle of development with a possible release date of 2023. which is expected to be in the late 2023. Ironmace has placed its bets on its own game, but has decided to utilize the alpha test to not only assist in the development process but also to advertise the game. The company has held a variety of free alpha tests right now, at the rate of testing every two to three months. Tests for the Dark and Darker tests have become increasingly popular and it was December's test that made the Dark And Darker Gold cut. A number of important Twitch streamers took part in Dark and Darker very frequently, which led to hundreds of players testing the game.

Naturally, Dark and Darker is now enjoying plenty of momentum. It's not as though Ironmace will accelerate the launch of the game however. A beta release could take a lot of effort. Instead, the company is planning to keep the pace for Dark and Darker free alpha tests. When the alpha test previously concluded, Ironmace confirmed plans to reinstate the alpha test in February 2023.

Dark and Darker's upcoming alpha test will officially begin during the forthcoming Steam Next Fest event in February 2023. It's called the Next Fest is a Valve event where indie developers showcase their in-development games with the intention of attracting an audience who will love their game, yet don't have the knowledge of its existence. It's an excellent opportunity to play Dark and Darker. Steam's next Next Fest will run between February 6-13 2023.

There was no further information about the forthcoming Dark and Darker playtest was given, and it's not clear what will be the new features or features. The one thing Ironmace did say is that more than 1 million players participated in the playtest held in December. In a game that was played to only a small number of players before December's test, it's an incredible achievement. The February test could exceed one million participants.

The question that is lingering is the question of whether Ironmace will be able to see the popularity Dark and Darker achieved achieved and decide to launch the game earlier than it was originally planned. If the Premium Steam Early Access version of Dark and Darker was available right now, with a guarantee of servers being open for a while it will undoubtedly do extremely well. But Ironmace might prefer not to do the possibility of. It could be confident that testing the game for a short time before the full launch are more beneficial for Buy DAD Gold the overall game. In any case, Dark and Darker will come out again in February.