Another dev in the room joked that

Printed on all its retail boxes, and there were some legal concerns regarding cutting the auction house.


According to Wilson explained, Blizzard's way to Diablo IV Gold fix this issue with Diablo 3 was to take control of the trading market. This is also the motive behind the game's requirement of an online internet connection. Wilson claims that once you give an offline client the hackers "got you." Thus, being always online , and the auction house were Blizzard's failed attempts to manage issues that plagued Diablo 2.

After its release in 2012, Diablo 3's auction house was deemed to be one of the most flaws of the game, getting a constant mocking and criticism by the players. But removing it wasn't simple, and not because of technical issues. Instead, the reason it was delayed until removal for 2014 was due to the auction house an enticement feature of the game, printed on all its retail boxes, and there were some legal concerns regarding cutting the auction house.

"The reason why we didn't get rid of it right away when we saw the issue was legally, we were not sure that we would be able to because it was advertised on the boxes," said Wilson. "So we actually had to wait a while to figure out all legal issues before we came to the conclusion that 'OK, we think it's worthwhile to try it and if we do end up getting a lawsuit, well.'"

Incredibly, when all has been done, Wilson claims that the auction house didn't even generate Blizzard the money it needed and he says that If it had made more than 10 or 15 million dollars Wilson would feel "surprised." Although that might sound like a large amount however, this former Diablo 3 designer countered that World of Warcraft makes that kind of money every few hours or at least every few hours. Another dev in the room joked that, as is the norm, you "always just put the blame on lawyers." It's true that everyone was against it, and it didn't generate much profit. A total waste of buy Diablo 4 Gold time for everyone affected!