Tizanidine Addiction And Abuse

Tizanidine is a medication prescribed by medical professionals to treat a wide range of muscle spasms caused by conditions like multiple sclerosis, an injury to the spinal cord or other neurological disorders.

Tizanidine is a medication prescribed by medical professionals to treat a wide range of muscle spasms caused by conditions like multiple sclerosis, an injury to the spinal cord or other neurological disorders. It is in a class of drugs known as alpha-2-adrenergic agonists and works by reducing nerve activity in the area of the spinal cord that controls muscles. In combination with other medications, it can reduce pain and muscle spasms without the sedative effects of narcotics. However, like any medication, it can be abused and lead to addiction if misused. Tizanidine is available only with a prescription and can be dangerous if taken in high doses or for extended periods of time. It also has the potential to cause withdrawal symptoms if use is abruptly discontinued.

People who abuse tizanidine often take it in ways other than prescribed by a doctor, such as snorting or injecting it, or taking higher doses than recommended. The drug can have a long-term negative impact on the body and mind if abused, even though it does not possess the physical addictive properties of opioids or benzos. Abusing tizanidine can also cause mental impairment, which can make it difficult for someone to live independently.

It is not uncommon for individuals to become dependent on prescription drugs such as tizanidine, and develop an emotional attachment to the medication. This can lead to lying, stealing or secretive behavior in order to get more of the drug. A person may also begin to experience cravings for the drug and feel they need it in order to function or be happy.

Those who become addicted to tizanidine may also have trouble living independently and may need help with daily tasks, or be unable to work or attend school. It can be very difficult to break a dependence on tizanidine, and may require the help of an experienced doctor or drug treatment program.

Tizanidine withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous if the drug is abruptly discontinued, and should only be done under the care of a medical professional. A detox regimen that includes a step-down of the dosage, with regular check-ups to monitor blood pressure and pulse rate, is usually the best way to address tizanidine addiction. This is especially important if the drug is being used alongside other substances or in conjunction with any underlying mental health disorders. A variety of treatments are often employed to address addiction and withdrawal, including counseling, coaching sessions and evidence-based therapies. Behavioral therapy can help an individual identify and cope with the underlying issues that contributed to their substance abuse problems, and change their way of thinking so they can avoid substance abuse in the future. A successful recovery from tizanidine addiction can lead to lasting freedom from the harmful and debilitating effects of chemical dependency.