I stopped playing the game almost entirely despite being

I stopped playing the game almost entirely despite being

The servers have been talked about every release on the 2k subreddit and folks still buy the game.I only paid like 10 dollars for 2K21 MT this match, and I feel that's about where it should be. I'm very bad for the people that fell 100 bucks on the Mamba Forever version of the game.

2K will never create overhauls to repair the servers because people keep paying for and playing the sport. I haven't bought a 2k game since 17 because I was fed up with the way the company treats it's customers.Sadly this is accurate. The rosters are still old and the season is 10+ games in. The area is not even worth playing on 2k and that is a shame because that is the best part of this sport. I believed for $10 I wouldn't care... And I really don't that much... But I really do. Fix it damn it.

Do yourselves a favor in the meantime Remember that if 2k22 drops.

Yeah I also made a thread a few weeks ago. Concerning the roster upgrades Stadia Support stated that I need to inquire 2k about it and 2k said that it is an issue on the Stadia side. I stopped playing and won't touch a 2k match again.The site I'm writing for is not very big, but it helps bringing focus to it.

Wrote a little article about it too and this get sorted out, because this is unacceptable.Man I have spent many wasted hours on this game lol have to download rosters the community makes for myleague it's complete bullshit however yo big up anybody who makes them and shares them... also, stop adding ur established character to the Lakers pls.It's so reassuring to see that others have the same problem, how do we come together and make a change for the unpolished turd that is NBA 2k21

I stopped playing the game almost entirely despite being the maximum rep in the area due to all the crashing and bugs. Even the most mundane tasks like changing badges, using the 2k telephone, altering animations will bring about the entire game to crash. I've received an email from the developers stating they marked the issues in their database and will work to solve them"when possible" but the chances of them actually fixing the bugs in the game is very very slim.Stadia needs to get hold of the devs. Though this really does need the people who purchased the game to get 2k. You should supply the connection so that we can message 2k directly and let them know people arent likely to endure for their scams!

It is unfortunate. I know that it's too late but stop buying new installations in Buy NBA 2K21 MT Coins the series. Is the only way they'll clean up their act. I bought this game for $11 during a purchase but felt bound to reunite for some of the reasons mentioned in the article. I feel like the series has been a cash grab to get a bit but moreso on Stadia's platform.Right. I would hate for this to happen but what they are doing is improper.