Teleport into ape atoll, wield greegree, get to RuneScape gold the basement, wear keep from melee, sip from a super set, use your special attack weapon (probably a dds), then get your primary weapon. Use shield from melee and the best offensive prayers you may use, and set up in the North-west corner: you'll have 1-2 of the most powerful reptiles constantly attacking youpersonally, making this very low-click and fast xp. After 15 minutes, they will not be agressive, therefore tele out, run around a little, and tele back . I find this gets me quite speedy xp per hour, certainly quicker than slayer, and best of all there aren't any bots!
Does salve have a pursuit req? Piety is 12mil away... And the very best id go is chiv, as my current cash pile is 11m, and its never within my bank (always in ge, multiplying) and another 12mil I have is in things. Fury has a 2+ str to glory, which made me lol... I dont rlly want tht extra def, like I have well over 300+ def together with my current gear. Alrdy possess a monster team for Bandos... (im smallest cb there, but its lootshare so im good l0l)
I think you want haunted mine to your own salve amulet, but it is worth it, it's a rather simple quest and not that long. That provides you with the normal salve amulet, which gives 15 percent to assault and strength against undead. Then you take it into Tarns lair and enchant it into the salve amulet (e) that gives 20 percent to attack and strength. I would recommend getting piety when you can, you can purchase dragon bones very cheap right now, you could also check the purchase price of infernal ashes, they're usually a bit cheaper.
Banking the dragon bones you buy, shooting urns on demon tasks, and spending penguin points, effigy lamps and troll invasion rewards on prayer can help level a bit. The main idea behind the fury is that it's the best amulet in the game stat wise, and it is very economical compared to bandos and stuff. I'm unsure what you mean with a"monster team" for bandos, but unless you have two individuals with maximum melee, turm, ovls and claws, then you are going to get crashed a fair bit.
0bvi0usly the damage growth from claws is much m0re than the 20+% b00st of piety. Als0 dont visit bandos youll get wrecked so yea. If you truly wish to make a wise move towards advancement, market your claws and other garbage and also do some wonderful slayer up to 90ish melee's along with your cannon will get you to 85+ range even in the event that you d0 it incorrect, which will render near getting within an arma team maybe. Then you are going to old school runescape buy gold stand a chance at band0s.