Range: You can train this at the men as well, for even at cows

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Range: You can train this at the men as well, for even at cows, utilizing the secure spot between the two feeding bowls south of the Lumbridge cow patch. After hitting 20 or so, move on into the Minotaurs at the first level of OSRS gold the Stronghold of Secruity. Find a room that matches for your liking and safespot from behind a fence. They drop iron arrows quite frequently so it is pretty much free coaching. After 50, go back to the flesh crawlers in that south-west corner area. You can secure spot them in the square in the door closest to the wallsocket. This works for both doorways.

If you'd like food, go to world 1 where folks power fishing, offering free trout/salmon. Magic: Train on the mage dumbies until it prevents you from doing this. You may then obtained the magical level needed to get a few curses. Cast these curse charms on the Zamorak monk in the Varrock Castle, right behind the staircase. Once you reach the right magic level ( I believe it's 25) cast Curse on the Zamorak monk. When the level is achieved, you can even superheat (really quick xp, and you break even in the event that you make steel bars) or high alch. Leave prayer alone, keep your attack at 40 (45 in the event that you receive the gravite 2h).

Well, glacors fall three expensive sets of boots - I believe they're 8M, 15M and enjoy 22M. All these are dropped, on average (from what I am told - please correct me if I'm incorrect ) after every 500-1000 kills. Lets say, subsequently, Glacors drop approx. 15M every 500 kills. I say 500 because there are other drops (notably shards), so this helps to account for such drops.

Barrows items are lost, normally, 1:15 iirc. These items range from buy RuneScape gold just like 50K to 1.7M currently. Lots of items are round the 1M mark and below, few are above 1M. So let us say 1M every 15 runs - that accounts for runes and the like, too. Barrows is very cheap and you wind up getting a great deal of blood/death runes spare if you use Polypore (which you should).