If that is too similar to Summoning/Item Lending

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The possible menu would loook like. Update item(you'd click that then your inventory will be glowing for you to RuneScape gold pick an item)Depending on the product and its current level(say ) the price would vary but just to show an idea

Of course I mean points in each function, Fighter Torso(100 to reach lvl two 300 to reach lvl 3 500 to reach lvl 4 1000 to get to lvl 5)because most ppl like the fighter torso(lvl 5 special are Attk stats 20 all except array and mage)

If that is too similar to Summoning/Item Lending, feel free to close it mods... Say you wanted to provide a message to a buddy if he was offline, or give them something to get, say, a birthday. Well, instead of a drop party or trading, you can send him a letter or package together with the letter/item within it!

There are two ways that you may deliver letters/packages: Air or Ground. Each technique incudes 5 different creatures that you could buy or catch with Hunter. Each creature listed is faster at delivering then the animal before it. For buy OSRS gold example, a puppy is quicker than the usual Chinchompa, but slower compared to Turoth. This really is a dangerous minigame. You will lose items if you perish.